
 Upcoming Event


Tuesday 23rd April

7.00pm – 8.30pm

Dear friends

This is a warm welcome to you all to come to our next event which will be held on Tuesday 23rd April 2024 7.00pm -8.30pm at the Aquarius Healing and Education Centre 154 Mt Barker Rd Stirling. We will be celebrating Wesak the festival which is held at the full moon as the sun passes through the sign of Taurus. In the esoteric tradition this is the second of three major festivals which started with the full moon in Aries (the festival of the resurrection) which we held in March.

Wesak is a celebration of the life, birthday, enlightenment and death of Gautama Buddha. In the Buddhist tradition, Wesak is usually celebrated at the full moon in May. The esoteric tradition celebrates it at the full moon time in the sign of Taurus which usually occurs in May but which this year falls in April. It is believed that Gautama Buddha was born in the sign of Taurus. The name Wesak or Vesak comes from the Wesak valley in Tibet which is located near the sacred areas of Mt Kailash and Lake Manasarovar. For more information about this festival and some pictures of these amazing places please see the accompanying attachment.

The exact time of Wesak this year is 9.18am on Wednesday the 24th April. At the exact FM time it is believed that the Buddha returns to the Wesak valley for a few minutes in physical/etheric form to bless humanity. Many pilgrims gather at the Wesak Valley for this special event. Since we are celebrating together before the exact full moon time, our evening will be in the form of a preparation for the Buddha’s special presence rather than a celebration of the exact full moon time event.

The powerful mantrum for Taurus is “I see, and when the eye is opened all is Light/illumined’ which refers to the eye of the constellation of the Bull (Taurus), which is the bright orange red star Aldebaran said to occultly open at the exact full moon time… So this is a time and a festival of great power with possibilities for deep insight and spiritual growth. Please see the attachment for further information.

The third esoteric festival and our next event after Wesak is celebrated at the full moon in Gemini (May the 23rd this year) and is called the festival of Humanity or the festival of Goodwill. At this festival, we collect together all the sacred energies built up during the prior two festivals and as a group distribute this energetic bounty to humanity as the energy of Goodwill.

Please bring some food to share for a supper to be held after the Wesak event. This event is free to all, with donations being welcome in the golden bowl or anytime at People’s Choice Credit Union. Account BSB 805 050 Account Name: Conscious Connection. Acct No: 2371918. Account holder Margaret Tscharke. All welcome. Bring your friends… all who come in Love and Light and for the good of all are welcome to attend regardless of spiritual tradition or perspective.

This event is led by myself Janet Schwarz and is hosted by Meg Tscharke. We both look forward to seeing you if it feels right for you to come.

If you would like further information about this event or other work I do, please see the accompanying attachment or contact me on m.0400886872 or email me at or check out my website on or on Facebook

Love in the Light


CLICK on link below for more information.




events cal 2021


clink on link below

Full Moon. Solstice. Equinox events 2024 .pdf2

Venue: Aquarius Healing & Education Centre,

154 Mt Barker Rd, Stirling South Australia.

Everyone is warmly invited to come to any or all of these events.

**Please note …These Full Moons are celebrated as Solar Festivals and have an esoteric /pagan flavour. All life affirming spiritual perspectives are honoured and welcomed. As solar festivals, they mark the full moons that occur as the sun passes through each of the astrological signs. The solar influence lasts throughout the month of the sign and is especially heightened at the point of the full moon. In the celebrations we learn to understand and work more deeply with these energies in order to aid our own lives and to foster all life on this planet.

The focus is more spiritual than personal. we often do simple ceremonies to put us in touch with the energies eg…using herbs and oils, symbols, colour, sound and movement.

We have an open perspective and one that welcomes all spiritual approaches that work with Love and for the good of all. the evening includes a Meditation usually led by Janet Schwarz

These events are led by Janet Schwarz, hosted by Meg Tscharke.

All of these Public Events are free. Donations welcomed. 

For information on
Janet Schwarz’s Meditation & Retreat Program for 2023
or about the Full Moon or Equinox/Solstice Celebrations
Phone Janet for details 0400886872